Sunday, December 6, 2009

Two Thumbs Up!

If anyone is looking for a good Christmas time movie... This is the one! I saw it last night, and it was really good! Again, I wish people would make more inspirational movies like this! It reminded me to remember that we never know what type of postitive influence we can have on other people's lives. This family did it in a hugh way, but I know even small acts of kindness can go a long way!


Dorothy said...

I want to see this movie. Looks really good. I actually have had it saved on my netflix before it came out.

Carrie said...

Dang you are on the ball! Maybe you will get it first though! Doesn't it take like 6 months for it to be released on dvd?

Dorothy said...

yea something like that. I've decided i'm going to go see it Thursday by myself while kids are in school.

Carrie said...

Oh good! You will like it! Why don't you take Candace with you?