Monday, April 19, 2010

Tomato Farmer

That's me! I planted a garden this year that I am really happy about. It's like Farmville on Facebook, but better 'cause it's the real thing! My crop of tomatos is especially huge this year. 7 plants! I also planted bell peppers and Jalapenos. So I am officially growing these plants for Mary's Mercy Center in San Bernardino. They serve lunch to the needy everyday of the week except for Fri, I believe. I like the idea of me being a farmer with a purpose! This is my motivation to care for all 19 plants and to keep everything looking clean and nice in my backyard... I am loving my backyard lately. This is making me feel pretty happy tonight. I am also happy about making some salsa very soon!


Gabby said...

How do you keep the bunnies out!?!?

Carrie said...

I don't get bunnies. I only have to worry about cats and dogs... My garden boxes resemble giant litter boxes!

Dorothy said...

Wow....i can't remember the last time i saw your backyard look that nice and CLEAN!! Did you get a facebook and not tell me?? If your making salsa im coming

Carrie said...

No facebook. Remember, I made YOU get the farm! That was funny. How is it anyway?

Dorothy said...

Well i deleted of course but people still send me stuff. "please help me with my farm". WTH!!! BTW thanks again for

Carrie said...

But you made such a cute farm girl!