Sunday, January 23, 2011


I am making 2011 the year I read more books! I like the idea of having a theme for the year... It gets me motivated to make change, set goals, and do things a little differently. I still have this major problem of wasting much of my free time. I still can't understand why I do this. Time flies while you are having fun or doing nothing. To try and combat this, I am going to seriously see how many books I can read in a year. I'm excited about my new goal, and have set up a wishlist at Amazon, so I can immediately add a book when I hear a recommendation. I added about a dozen off the top of my head the other day. Yesterday I ordered this one by Walter Williams along with "Introduction To The Devout Life by St Francis de Sales, and "The Duggars: 20 And Counting!"- This family is kind of facinating to me! I think they must be extraordinary, and I want to know more! I am happy that almost all of my books so far have 5 stars by them- this means I have gotton good advice! -Ciao

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